March 12, 2025

Albert Einstein Biography, Age, Death, Height, Weight, Family, Wiki & More

Updated On : March 14, 2018

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Short Biography

Albert Einstein was born on 14-03-1879 in Ulm in the state of Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. He was a German Physicist, Scientist, Engineer, Inventor, Philosopher, Writer & Socialist.

Albert Einstein Complete Bio & Career

Albert Einstein was a world-renowned German physicist who penned the general theory of relativity. This discovery was a landmark for many greater inventions and discoveries later one. He was one of the most influential scientists of the 20th century. His passion for an inquiry led him to develop this theory.
In 1921, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for his theories on the photoelectric effect. His works have had a great influence on the development of atomic energy. His early life in Germany was in a middle-class environment with this father working as an engineer and salesman. He did his elementary schooling from Munich. He suffered from some speech issues during that time but managed to develop a passion for classical music and violin.
He got admission in the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, Switzerland due to his outstanding skills in mathematics and physics. He fell in love with his teacher JostWinteler’s daughter Marie. Later he married Mileva Maric and had two sons with her but later divorced her.
1905 could be summed up as his miracle year as in this year, Einstein published 4 papers in those days best physics journal named Annalen der Physik. These four papers summarized photoelectric effect, special theory of relativity, Brownian motion and matter/energy relationship. With his work, he had managed to give a whole new dimension to physics.
His famous equation E=mc2 gained popularity from his fourth paper. This discovery led to the fostering of atomic power.
He received the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921, though the award was not handed over to him until the following her due to the bureaucratic ruling. His theory of relativity was still questionable and he was awarded the prize for his photoelectric effect.
Einstein was arguably the most influential physicist of the twentieth century, with his work also having a major impact on the development of atomic energy.

Health Issues, Illness and Death Info

He died at the age of 76 on 18th April 1955.

DEATHDAY 18 April,1955 (Friday)
DEATH PLACE Princeton, New Jersey

Albert Einstein Family, Relatives and Other Relations

See given below celebrity profiles about Albert Einstein's family, relatives;

Life's Important Dates Of Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein Age, Birthday Facts and Birthday Countdown

Albert Einstein was 76 years 1 month & 4 days old age.